Jonathan Mindell
CEO, UK & EuropePractice Leader - Customer Experience (CX) Internal Consulting Group
Experienced business leader and P&L owner with a strong record of improving performance and profit through business, operational and cultural transformation. Passionate about optimising the customer, client, business partner and employee experience of service organisations that bring benefit to people’s lives and makes it
easier for stakeholders to ‘do business’. In-depth understanding of pensions & employee benefits, business services, healthcare, consumer financial services and travel sectors, with experience across the UK, Europe, Middle East and Australia.Career-long focus on customer engagement; over 20 years experience of shared service and outsourcing/offshoring operations; and 16 years operating in digital distribution and e-commerce. Through consulting, advisory and non-executive positions, I am now channelling this experience into helping other organisations better understand their customers in order to improve how they optimise customer engagement, so enabling revenue, efficiency and profit improvement.
09:55 - 10:20 Why Understanding what customers need is fundamental to business success
Jonathan Mindell CEO, UK & EuropePractice Leader - Customer Experience (CX) Internal Consulting Group
Listening to customers is critical for the success of every organisation. The voice of the customer is key to understanding what they need from the business. By defining and structuring what customers need and then measuring their performance in meeting these needs, organisations can take action to deliver sustainable improvements in customer and employee satisfaction, revenue and margin growth.