Perry Timms
Chief Energy Officer, PTHR
Perry Timms is the founder & Chief Energy Officer of PTHR, a 2x TEDx speaker, an Adjunct Professor/Visiting Fellow at 4 UK Business Schools, a LinkedIn Learning instructor and author of Transformational HR and The Energized Workplace.
Perry is a Chartered Member of the CIPD and 3x member of HR Magazine’s HR Most Influential Thinkers list.
10:20 -10:45 Holistic and Humanistic: How an exceptional employee experience can support your business
Perry Timms, Founder and Chief Energy Officer, PTHR
People matter. In the world of work, product and positive finances matter. But of course, people and the planet matter too. Increasingly an exceptional employee experience isn't just working somewhere with great products and services and being a well-run company. It is the impact the work has on people - in, out and around the organisation - and on the planet itself.
From this session, you can be more assured in creating a strategy that covers all 4 areas: Product: Finances; People and Planet for a truly inclusive, values-led approach to being a principled and high performing business with an exceptional employee experience at the heart of it all.